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Aloe Barbadensis

AKA AloeVera

Main Purpose:

Provides great relief and soothing to skin


Amazing Skin Soother

Soothes any skin irritations and itch

Effective Moisture Retainer

Moisturise the skin with its excellent water-retaining properties to prevent transepidermal water loss (TEWL)

Calms Redness And Irritation

Calms red, irritated skin with non-irritating and anti-oxidative ingredients

All you need to know

What does it contain:

Anti-inflammatory and calming components such as salicylates, polysaccharides, magnesium lactate, C-Glucosyl chromone and vitamins A +C+D+E plus amino acids, phytosterols and many more

Where is it from:

Naturally derived from the Aloe Vera plant, the leaves itself can be split into 3 components, the inner gel, middle latex layer and the outer rind

Who is it good for:

All skin type especially suitable for those with sensitive skin looking for soothing and moisturising

What is bad with Aloe Barbadensis?

It is safe to use with other ingredients as it does not interact with any of them

Products with Aloe Barbadensis


Skin Perfect Soothing Mask

This multifunctional mask will completely transform the skin, assuring its soft, supple and dewy luminosity.